Kissy's Fashion Kloset

Kissy's Fashion Kloset

About Kissy

Ah, so yeah I guess you want to know a little about me...

Hey ya'll! I'm Kissy, (formaly ya'll knew me as  Jacky). I decided to come back to blogging, but because of somethings that I have gone through in RL, I have put Jacky aside, and I am now using my very first avi that I created when I started playing Second Life. Still the same person, just a different look.

I have an amazing family, that has been there for me through everything, as well as a close nit, but amazing group friends. Most of the time you can find me inworld hanging with them, doing dumb stuff, or you can find me hosting at Cowboys -N- Angels, while on the weekends I am at Oakdale RP sim coaching the cheer squad.

Did I ever mention that I LOVE LOVE LOVE taking pictures? All pictures that are featured on the blog are done by myself..unless otherwise noted. So if you are also looking for a new picture for your profile or anything, hit me up, as well, as I'd be happy to do them for you.

I know that this might take some times to get everything back up and running, but I'm back, and I'm here for the long run.

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