Kissy's Fashion Kloset

Kissy's Fashion Kloset

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hospital Stays Suck

So I'm not sure how many of you are aware. Yesterday my daughter was admitted into the hospital with full blown pneumonia. It is not fun, and it is not pretty at all. Among the constant puking, and not being able to eat or keep any medicine in her system, she also completely dehydrated herself :(

I was trying to get inworld to get some pictures for a new blog post, but because the wifi on the hospital is lame, I can't get past the 'waiting for region handshake' on my scream >.< which means, when I run home in the morning to get my other daughter ready for school, since I cleaned the house this morning since I know my RL didn't..I mean come on, what man does? I should be able to get online and get some pictures, since we aren't sure how long this hospital trip will be.

My daughter is doing better though! She has started the BRAT diet, but has only eaten the toast, but ever little bit helps. All your well wishes through Second Life, Facebook, and also here are heard, and she reads them all the time, and puts a smile on her face. She knows a lot of people are thinking of her.

Look for a new post I'm hoping tomorrow if my day goes smoother then it did today (between running from the house and the hospital to make sure kids get to places, and my RL gets to work) I'm lucky I can eat something. If there isn't a new post tomorrow, then I promise the day I get home, and get everything back to as normal as can be, there will be a new post.

Love & Kisses

1 comment:

  1. It's ok girl! Rl comes first so do what you have to do. Glad Jasmine is getting better :) And can't wait to see what you post when you get a chance ♥
